Sunday, February 27, 2011

Walking is on the horizon

L's getting braver at the whole "letting go and walking" thing. About 80% of the time when he's pulled up on furniture or his toys, he'll let go and walk a few steps. It's the funniest thing! He almost looks like a robot. NOT fluid in his steps AT ALL! Guess he'll get there, one day.

His record of 5 has been pushed to the side. It's the new and improved number 7 (yay) He also loves just to stand alone.

Most of the time when he's done walking he just flops onto his belly. Must be used to all the belly flops since he crawled like a worm for over 4 months LOL!! My belly would sure hurt by the end of the day. Thank goodness that the whole spit up phase is about over with. Wonder if we should pack up the burp cloths??.... Nah, don't wanna jinx myself.

While walking (and after) he has the widest, proudest smile on his face. Such a big boy. One day soon, my almost one year old will be a walking machine. I'll saver the crawling until then.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Always tomorrow...

It's just after 9pm on Weds night. Baby's in bed and my sweetie is still at work. House is quiet.. if it were able to talk I'm sure it would be complaining about some things that need straightened up, but ya know what.... I don't care. There's more important things!

That's why there's always tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll put the laundry away, tomorrow I'll clean the refrigerator, tomorrow I'll mop... Today, I'm just going to saver every little bit I get with my little family.

One day L will be too busy to listen to his Momma read him a book, snuggle or just talk.

For now, my little one has my undivided attention and I'm A-OK with that.

My heart is feeling all nostalgic. I don't know if it's because his birthday is right around the corner or just the simple fact that he does something new almost ever hour he's awake, which brings the fact that he's growing up(too fast) to the fore front of my thoughts.

Lord, Please don't ever let me be "too busy".....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Slow down time

I can't believe that in 18 very short days, my little baby, will be a one year old. I'm not sure I can take it! I'm already getting teary eyed thinking that he will be a toddler so very soon! With each passing day, I see him spreading his wings a little bit more... He is so brave and loves to be independent and do things himself.

He can say "Mama", "Dada", tries to say "Ball", Boo", "Uh Oh", "Bye Bye". It's so cute. He's a little chatter box.

He's able to sign "More", "Please" and "All Done"... Just not always when you want him to and it's always on his terms.

Finally after almost 4.5 months of crawling like a worm, he's mastered the real crawl. So cute! He's little feet never touch the ground.. so he face plants it every once in awhile.

Loves to cruise along the furniture and is awfully fast.

Is bravely taking steps.... His record is 5. I'm gonna have a walker very soon! Eekkkss!

Loves to eat. Would live off of Cheerios if he would. His favorites are: Chicken, ground beef, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, mango, carrots, chicken nuggets to name a few. He's got an aversion to fresh fruit. So it's difficult to get him to eat them.

Is a definite water baby. He could spend HOURS in the bathtub, splishing and splashing. You can't go away dry after giving him a bath, you just can't

Book!!! Loves them!! Still tries to eat them, but can sit for good amounts of time to listen.

I think he has hit a growth spurt. Seems like he's taller.

I just LOVE every little thing about my Monkey!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

So little time

Well, skipped church today as I wasn't feeling up to it. Another reason was that I didn't want the little guy to miss his morning nap and thus send his schedule down a spiral. He does well, usually, but I didn't want to chance it since my Honey works tonight.

Still feeling kinda icky, but Momma doesn't get a day off. Oh well! This is my life for the next 18+ years and I wouldn't change it in the least!

Have a few to-dos for next week. Wonder if they will be accomplished or not. I'd love to be able to check them off.

-Make a master cleaning list (daily, weekly and monthly)
- Print out and organize my recipes. There's tons of new ones I wanna try
- Deep clean the fridge
- Take family photos if the weather cooperates
- Organize little guy's toys. I think he's got too many!

That's some of my things on my list. We shall see what gets done or not. With my Honey working 5 days a week again, it makes it difficult to get things done. Thus the cleaning schedule.

Usually by the time that the little guy's in bed, my mind is fried and all I wanna do is watch mindless tv or go to sleep. I lead an exciting life lol!

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Morning

I have this love/hate relationship with can openers. I know, I find it pretty weird also. For the life of me, I can't keep from breaking them. Maybe I've got super woman powers that I'm unable to rein in when it comes to the daintiest of the said can opener.

Doesn't matter the price of the can opener. Could be $2.00 or $20.00, I'm gonna break the thing, very soon!! In the just the last 2 months alone, we've had to replace the can opener 3 times. Doesn't that seem excessive??!!

Today was the day. I was getting things in the crock pot for chili. That's tons of cans to open... pinto beans, kidney beans, tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, chili beans. Wasn't even able to get one can open before it fell apart, literally. I was turning the handle and it became extremely loose and fell off... along with all the shiny, medal parts that make it turn. Ugh, why am I so destructive?!!

Had to make a quick dash to Walmart and thankfully it was quiet and not busy. We ended up going for an electric can opener this time. So far so good. I was able to open 7 cans and it STILL works. It's a miracle... HAHAHA

The chili was really yummy!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Been slacking, but for good reason

Ok, I know I said that I would be more attentive to the blog, but live just gets busy and my plate gets full. There's only so much to time in the day when I'm nursing, feeding solids, getting Logan ready for naps, bath and doing bedtime. Can't even count the times that he gets into something he shouldn't!

The good thing is... I'm here, posting now. Phew! It will be short, maybe, but sweet!

Over the weekend we went up to Bandon and Coos Bay, Or. Chris' parent's went with us. We went to the Wildlife Park on Saturday. Logan thoroughly enjoyed himself. He just kept pointing at all the animals. It was so awesome to see such wonder on his face! Had lunch at Dairy Queen... Must remember what made Chris and Dad laugh over and over during our trip... Later that evening we went to the mall (wasn't much to be had), had dinner at Captain's Choice and then Logan played in the pool with Chris and his parents.

Logan did really well considering he only napped for about an hour that afternoon. He ended up going to bed a bit later than normal (8:30) and slept til 5:30, which is much earlier than normal. Can't complain too much though since he slept in his pack n play and he very rarely sleeps in it. It's 99% in the crib for naps and night sleep.
We had breakfast at the hotel. Logan had waffle and sausage for the first time. Oh and some raspberry yogurt. Bet you can't guess what his favorite was?!!... After breakfast Logan took a 45min nap and then we got in the car to try to find a coffee place called "Java The Hut". We go to a local coffee place, daily, called Java Hut. Too bad we never found it. Bummer! We ended up going to the Human Bean. Told them what was in my drink and the Barista attempted to recreate, but it wasn't even close... to my uber yummy haystacker!!

Stopped in Bandon on our way home. It was so nice and sunny! So glad we didn't listen to the weather report. It said there was a 60% chance of rain.. Only sprinkled on us once, the night before. Bandon is such a pretty, little coastal town! We walked around old town. First stop was a candy store, of course. I bought some sea foam candy and Chris picked salt water taffy. Our favs! Spent about an hour or 2 there.

Had lunch in Gold Beach at a place down at the dock, by the name of the Port Hole! Yummy food and awesome fellowship! So glad we decided to chance the rain and go anyway. Awesome memories were made....