Tuesday, January 18, 2011

8 years ago...

8 years ago, at this time, I was getting ready to marry my best friend! I can remember that day like it was yesterday. All of our family and friend's helped us celebrate our special day! I'm so very blessed that God gave me Chris. We've been through so much... good and bad, but I wouldn't change it at all. A few things we've been through... It's so awesome to see the way the Lord's been working in our marriage. Praying that He continues to be the head of our marriage and household.

1. New job

2. Moved to a new town

3. Moved back home

4. Miscarriage

5. Trouble TTC

6. Had our first child

Our wedding night was spent at Whaleshead. We love that place and have gone back a few times since then. The remainder of our honeymoon was spent in Vegas. Fun, fun. Even though neither one of us are big drinkers, we enjoyed our time there. Lots of sightseeing and walking around the casinos.

This was on our wedding day


  1. You look beautiful. :) Congrats on your anniversary! Marriage is a wonderful blessing.

  2. Happy anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary. Sorry I missed sending out the wishes on the big day.

