This time last year, I was very pregnant and started feeling a little off. Back ache and just plain icky. Took a warm bath, but I didn't give me any relief. By 10pm, I was having, what I thought was contractions. Went online and found a site that will allow you time them (wow, it was awesome). By a little before midnight they were coming about every 3 minutes and lasting a good 45+ seconds each.
Decided I should wake my husband up (had worked a double and was SO tired) so we could head to the hospital. I'd asked so many people "How will I know I'm in labor"? Ummm, you know!! I couldn't walk and have a contractions at the same time.. Was miserable in the less than 5 minute car ride to the hospital.
So thankfully that we did the pre admit because there was NO WAY that I'd wanna stand there and sign papers. Told the front desk that I thought I was in labor. Sent to L&D. Was in this small, and I mean small room. Got hooked up to a monitor and just layed on the bed for what seemed like hours. Time gonna stands still when you're in labor. You aren't really sure about the time. Only bummer, was that there was another woman in the room with me and I was kinda nervous to be too loud with the contractions. Yeah, not really needing to be modest or thoughtful of others during that time LOL!! The poor lady got sent home and I got the room to myself. YES!! My water ended up breaking in that room and was also given my first dose of a pain med.
Was told that I was in fact in labor and about 4 centimeters. Around 2ish (I think) we moved to a real room (where I would stay for the next couple of days) Around 3am I was 6 centimeters and wanted an epidural. Epidural juice is from God, I tell ya! It made the labor process less painful and much more enjoyable for me. Thankfully my epi took really well and I pretty much felt nothing.
My sister came to the hospital after I had my epi. C's mom came around 6am. My Dr. checked me around 7 and I was progressing nicely. Checked again around 11... Was stuck at 8 centimeters and was given pitocin. Thankfully my epi was still working GREAT!
Our sweet baby boy was born at 2:04 Thursday afternoon, after about 25 minutes of pushing. He was 7 pounds and 11 ounces of perfectness. We waited SO long to finally hold him in our arms. He truly is our special gift from God. He's been an absolute JOY in our lives. He's such a good and happy baby!! We cherish each and every moment... They grow up too fast!